Six Whole Months!
Hooray! Paul and I have been married for SIX MONTHS! today. I know six months isn't that long, but it is just crazy how fast it has gone. Funny story: I was telling Paul the other day that our six month anniversary was coming up, that it was on Monday the 15th. He was all oh is that the day we are going to celebrate it (we started dating on the 15th) and I was like oops I mean Sunday the 14th. haha. He was all great Felisha, we have only been married for 6 months and you are already forgetting what day our annivesary is on (guess its kind of a story you had to be there for). He also liked to mention it has been a long 6 months. What a butt! He didn't mean it haha.. Anywho.. being married has been so awesome! I love it, we have so much fun together! Ya it is hard at times, especially for me because I lived by myself for over a year so I was use to everything being mine and my way not OURS.. but I'm getting there. Paul's the best husband ever! He takes good care of me! He still cooks all the meals and cleans the kitchen. I'm hoping thats a habit he never gets out of.
you guys look great!
Lol thats something the man is to forget...LOL but way funny....
HAPPY six months! I missed seeing you at Thanksgiving, maybe at Christmas if we make it down.
I remember our 6 months...i'm way glad we are passed that point. It just gets better! I just found your blog today...I was so excited!Keep blogging girl!
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