So I am a wife now! It is so awesome and so much fun! Amazingly enough he still cooks all the time and keeps up with chores! I love our little house we live in, it is the perfect size for us. I am trying to get my brother to come down because it needs to be painted, but for the outside Paul has done an awesome job in our yard and its always looking good. The yard would look better if we had some flowers, but thats my fault.
Our wedding was a lot of fun! I actually wasn't too nervous. Paul was amazingly nervous standing up there, it was kind of funny. For our honeymoon we went to Colorado! That was so so much fun and I can't wait to go back. We went and stayed in his cabin for a couple of days then went to Telluride for a couple of days and finished it off in Ouray! We met a lot of awesome people and had such a fun time. I don't have pictures from that yet but I will get them soon....
Well here are some pics from the wedding... Enjoy!